SJK ( C ) Pei Chai, Kuantan

BP Myscience e-Zone 2010 Challenge

1 School, 1 Planet, 1 Future...

July 5, 2010

The Earth Coloring Contest

Last Friday (02.07.2010), our school organized another interesting program, The Earth Coloring Contest. The coloring contest started at 8:20am, and ended at 9:40 am. Students from Year 4 & 5 participated in the program. We had lots of fun. The picture contained our slogan "We Love, We Care....1 School, 1 Planet, 1 Future" and The Earth. The purpose of this program is to let all of us know that the green house effect is happening and The Earth is sick. Lets together save our beloved Earth!

Post by Carbon Challenge Core Team

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